Strategy Up

Jay Fisher - Capture It Photography

Jay Fisher

Taking Strategy Up’s “Marketing in the New Digital Era” course was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for my business. It was an amazing 12 week crash course (because yes, there is that much to learn) starting with the fundamentals, and incorporating real life examples of how each stage is implemented. Does this make me an expert? No. But now I know what I don’t know when it comes to marketing, and that’s immeasurably valuable. I was especially fortunate have Marc to help guide my class through it all. He’s not only a fountain of information, but he breaks it down in a way that take the intimidation factor to almost zero. On top of that, he really listens and cares about each person and their journey, whatever stage they’re in. If you have the opportunity to work with Marc and Strategy Up, jump at it!

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